Sunday, November 11, 2018

Hope In Paris! (#1 The Teddy Bear Chronicles)


A NEW way to experience a thriller...a TWIST on NARRATION! This is NOT a children's series. A stuffed toy won at a carnival should have an uneventful life…but not if the guy who wins it is a psychopath who plans to murder his girlfriend. If inanimate household teddy bears could talk, they'd have lots to tell, especially those which narrate these suspense thrillers, each providing pieces of a frightening puzzle as the humans converge and the danger rises.

Vol. I HOPE IN PARIS! In this highly-rated first volume of the extraordinarily unique suspense series, the unexpected narrators tell how Kelly Donovan must plot from her luxurious home to get away from her sociopathic boyfriend, Mark Flannery, before he takes her to a woodsy cabin for a little anniversary get-way. She must plot, lie, and pretend to be happy before she can flee her relationship and her own home, alive. Unforeseen obstacles hinder her efforts, and Kelly s family and friends, strangers to one other, must perfectly work together to help her live a life free from threat. The diverse group includes an insecure drama teacher, a brilliant pharmaceutical engineer, and an international businesswoman with a secret that comes in very handy at one critical point.

This story is uniquely narrated by teddy bears, which, notwithstanding their immobility, have interesting thoughts and perspectives on the shocking events and intriguing relationships which form before their plastic eyes. These quirky bears also get a healthy dose of an entertaining blooming romance when Kelly s plight takes everyone overseas to Paris. While in France, more scheming, racing to stay steps ahead of Mark, and even physical violence ensue violence which does not always involve a damsel in distress. Once the plot s feverish pace decelerates, the group starts to feel some hope, but is the race really over?

Vol. II CHLOE'S CRUSADE! The ever-brave Chloe Stogdon inserts herself into the dark and chilling world of a global drug cartel. Her fearless companion, Tiny Bear, provides a vivid account of the distressing events which unfold around Chloe and her FBI team. The story takes exciting turns and boasts many layers, including a love triangle, a star-struck stalker, and tattered family relationships which may or may not be healed. Chloe's old friends, including Tori, Richard and Sidney, become entangled in Chloe's drug crusade, and Love Bear, Fair Bear and a debut bear, Rocco, tell the thrilling tales. Enjoy!

4.5/5 STARS on

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