Sunday, January 31, 2021

How to Settle and Automobile Accident Case, for the Maximum Amount of Money, with an Insurance Company


How to Settle and Automobile Accident Case, for the Maximum Amount of Money, with an Insurance Company 

Car accidents happen every day and more than three million people get injured in those crashes every year. An astounding two million of those car accident victims suffer permanent injuries that will pain them for the rest of their lives. The sooner you can settle your car accident claim, the sooner you can start focusing on your recovery. Learn how to protect yourself and get the compensation you deserve after an Automobile Accident. 

Download the eBook Now 

Click here to get a free Sample Chapter


After a car accident, negotiating with the insurance company to get a fair settlement is no easy task! 

Insurance adjusters want to settle your case for as little as possible. However, you have the right to expect to receive fair compensation for your needs. This can include medical costs, pain and suffering, lost wages, and even additional expenses. 

The best way to maximize your compensation is to hire an attorney who can negotiate well with the insurance company and get you the most from your accident. However, this isn’t always possible for everyone. 

To help you obtain the maximum amount of money from your auto accident injury claim, we’ve put together this comprehensive ebook, full of expert information you won’t want to be without. 

This ebook covers 4 key areas; 

1 - How to find and add more automobile insurance money to your total settlement, even when the insurance company claims to have reached the financial limit. 

2 - How to maximize your medical insurance benefits when used for medical bills from an automobile accident.

3 - How to maximize your total settlement through negotiation

4 - How to obtain an attorney if you choose at a substantially reduced rate

Get More From Your Claim. Download the eBook Now 


Why Do You Need This Particular Ebook? 

Click here to get a free Sample Chapter

Insider knowledge

The information provided gives you practical insight into how to resolve your claims resulting from an automobile collision. The concepts presented here are drawn from the daily law practice of successfully resolving these types of claims over the decades. 

Effective Procedures

This guide is highly effective in assisting you with a procedure for organizing your demand package, including several strategies to help you reach the best results possible in your specific case.

Successful Strategy

The principles described represent common issues confronted by claimants, making them practical and useful in the real world. The methods of organizing your case described in this guide have been proven successful over decades of practice. 


If you’ve been injured in an automobile accident, take charge of your claim today! 

 Download the ebook now.  

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Magick from Chaos to Clarity


Magick is all around us all the time!

This book is about bringing your magickal knowledge out of chaos and into the clarity, to make sure you know how to use it to the full potential.

Before you start telling me that I spelled Magick wrong, don’t. When you spell Magick with a “k” on the end you speak about magick in the actual correct way. Magic without the “k” refers to acts of illusion, like pulling a rabbit out fo a house or making a car disappear. Magick with a “k” is about creating good in our world and universe.  

Inside the book you will learn how to create, direct, and share magick. You will learn how you can work with magick individually, in small groups, large groups and the possibility of using in a world setting.  

You will learn the connection between love and magick as well as how intelligent magick actually is in our universe. You will tap into the power of magick and how the billions of people on this planet are creating magick all the time and are unaware they are doing.  

After consuming the information in this book your outlook on the energy of magick will be drastically changed. Magick is the most unlimited resource in our world. There is no limit to the magick we as humans can create and with this knowledge you will learn the ease in which you can create it.  

Are you ready to take a journey into the world of Magick? In all history you will find tales of Magickal feats many of which are considered myths. After reading this book you might have a different opinion on those myths.  

As a bonus for getting this book you will also gain access to a free class on creating Happiness Notes. A class showing you how you can brighten the day of the other human beings on this planet one person at a time.

Friday, January 29, 2021



Found: Adult Urban Fantasy Series 

(The Conduit Chronicles Book 1)

She just wants some peace. He’s trying to stop the bloodshed. Together, will they forge a destiny to save the world… or bring it to its knees?

Ophelia Banner knows something’s wrong with her. Cursed to experience others’ emotions and steal their secrets, she longs to feel normal. But after a charming golden-eyed stranger claims her ability is a potent gift, she’s haunted with more questions than answers…

Elias Kraus is desperate to end the hidden 3,000-year war that claimed the life of his parents. Close to organizing a summit to unite his allies, he’s shocked when a chance meeting with a woman reveals she’s his fated other half. But though he’s immediately captivated by the young beauty, he fears the prophecy foretelling doom for humanity if the couple dares to mate.

With dark forces lurking around them, Ophelia works to develop her powers in a concealed fortress. And as Elias wrestles with telling her they’re destined to be together, he suspects there may be a traitor in their midst.

Will Ophelia and Elias’s pairing restore the balance or send humankind to its destruction?

Found is the page-turning first book in The Conduit Chronicles adult urban fantasy series. If you like strong characters, gods and monsters, and a dash of romance, then you’ll love Ashley Hohenstein’s spectacular adventure.

Click here to get Found on Amazon / Kindle

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Whisper Valley


What do you do when faced with one of life's greatest trials?

For seventy-two-year-old Larry Jones, it is a puzzling question he must wrestle with. After the passing of his beloved wife Sharon, a strong Christian woman, his life is found in a tailspin. Without a savior to keep him anchored, he is lost. At a critical point, he crosses paths with a young man named Sam. In time, he witnesses God's unfailing love at work in his life and in the lives of those closest to him.

Others, like Larry, find themselves up against immovable forces. Their challenges are real and so is the pain. Although each person is on their own journey, their lives intertwine in a unique way. Strength is found in uncertain places. Friendships form. Against odds, hope is restored and hearts mend. Explore how far God's love reaches into the lives of his children in Jeff Kayser's Whisper Valley.

Monday, January 25, 2021

The Animal Squad and the Mystical Topax Amulet


The Animal Squad and the Mystical Topax Amulet

"A frog, a rhino, and a fox set out on a funny, thrilling adventure to stop a rogue agent from stealing an amulet and becoming invincible. Unexpected plot twists kept me on the edge of my seat. You'll not want to miss this one! With lots of action, this exciting story will keep you reading!" — Zayne, Age 12, Kids' BookBuzz

                Deadly Animal Fights 

The Way Nature NEVER Intended Them to Be!

The Animalis International Team is a group of beast-men, hybrids between humans and animals, who fight the menace of global terrorism perpetrated by both beast-men and humans – menaces more cataclysmic than what humankind would be able to take on. 

They operate in secret, never letting themselves or their missions be known or shown to the public.

Neutralizing a host of threats, from mythical weapons to modern political conspiracies, there is no kind of evil that would deter the AIT!

The Animal Squad and the Mystical Topax Amulet

A new danger has emerged. Gator Croc, a former AIT member has gone rogue and is seeking the forbidden Topax Amulet, an ancient talisman with powers of invincibility. The depravity of his actions forces his old allies out of retirement, who come together with a few recruits to stop him from getting his hands on a power that could change the future of the world!

Sunday, January 24, 2021

The Big Black Book of Sex Positions


 The Big Black Book of Sex Positions

Take Your Sex Life From Boring To Mind-Blowing in a Few More Than 69 Moves

IN THE BEGINNING THERE WAS SEX, BASIC AND PRIMAL IN ITS EARLY STAGES, OR SO WE THINK. . . . Perhaps modern society is simply unaware of the depth of sexual understanding our ancestors truly possessed. Maybe modern society is actually relearning the sexual secrets that have been lost over the years. We can look back to the Kama Sutra and see that thousands of years ago, the various sexual positions were given extreme importance. There are even ancient texts that suggest certain positions and angles of penetration can improve your health and even fight disease—more than just physical pleasure. However, intense physical pleasure is an excellent place to start.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Reforms: The Spirit of Change: Foundation of Social Evolution


Reforms: The Spirit of Change: 

Foundation of Social Evolution

 General premises


The author, a citizen of the United States of America, paraphrases herein this synthesis the content of the book, Reforms, published in the United States. He wishes to exercise his freedom of expression, still in place, and warm everyone, that our nation is sick with a progressive corruption, which if not promptly cured, our American dream, our republican form of government, and our democracy may perish from earth.

Click here to get Reforms The Spirit of Change on Amazon / Kindle


  1. This Nation created with the concept that all men are created equal, with liberty and justice for all, is sick with a corruption endemic. Benjamin Franklin anticipated such outcome two hundred and forty-four years ago when he said that, “we need a revolution every two hundred years because all governments become corrupt at that time.” We cannot deny that corruption infests our nation. The citizens of the United States (and of each nation) must act to reduce, eliminate, and ensure that corruption does not sickens the nation. This nation needs ethic and transparency laws for detecting, monitoring, capturing and punishing those who commit political crimes in the government. The cases of abuse of power and authority in the government and in police departments in the nation have grown out of control. 
  2. The constitution mandates the people to form and more perfect union. Elected and or non-elected representatives of the people in the government ignore and violate the fundamental principles set forth in the declaration of independence, and in the constitution of the Union. Corruption is at every level of this nation, conceived with liberties and justice for all. 
  3. There are obvious abuses of power and authority in the government and public institutions, departing from the path our founding fathers plotted for the Union and for all the people and our posterity. Clear evidence of abuse of power and authority highlights the weaknesses of our constitution, our form of government, and our democracy, driving our Union to its possible destruction. The presidencies of Donald Trump and Richard Nixon show those weaknesses, and the possibility that a strong autocratic president may turn the government into a despotic dictatorship or a monarchy.
  4. The political events in the last decades, or in the last four years, revealed injustices, rule of law violations, and embolden racism. The separation of power is broken, and presidential forces attack the freedom of press and public expression in the last years. We must reestablish that (1) the power of the people as the highest power of the nation, (2) no one is above the law, (3) the governments exist by the consent of the people, (4) the popular sovereignty is the will of the people, and (5) the people’s government must reform the constitution, the rule of laws, and the democracy as the evolution of the nation needs. 

The Situation

  1. The current social, economic, and politic national situation is critical. Our nation is divided and the current executive power promotes the supremacy of a class of people. The idea to “Make America Great Again” has a hidden intention to further divide the people. The nation is going in the wrong and dangerous direction. 
  2. Corruption in governments, like our US government, is a fact of life. Our current government is surrendering our freedom, democracy, and position to foreign adversaries. 
  3. The republican party senate currently surrendered to the executive power, Trump presidency; thus, violating the separation of powers of our republican government. The executive power nominates Justices and federal judges clearly breaking de separation of powers. 
  4. There is abuse of power everywhere, in city police departments, in the senate, in the federal government.  Corruption is not new, but it is in the open  since a few decades back. The president ordered federal forces to squash peaceful protest marches; and authorities kill citizens in the light of day. The presidencies of Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump painted an ugly reality. 
  5. The people is tired of injustices, social and economic gaps created aided by the government. The law is applied in different ways to different people, and those rich, famous, and powerful buy justices. Social and economic gaps grow wider every day. We cannot deny this situation. Cases like that of Rodney King, George Floyd, and many others are evidence of injustices. The economic gaps widens with increasing cost of living, and the homeless population grows throughout the nation. The minimum salaries levels are not just, the equal pay for equal work is not applied to women, the access to health care, as the access to education, is not equal for all. There is no national tranquility, there is no general welfare, and without these there is no equal opportunities. The pursue of happiness is just a mirage.


Our Union, government and democracy, are failing and will continue to fail if we, the people, fail to reform our constitution, if we fail to reduce, eliminate and insure against the reoccurrence of corruption. The governments does not satisfy the six constitutional mandates written in the preamble of the constitution, since 1776, which are (1) form a more perfect Nation, (2) establish Justice (for all), (3) ensure national tranquility, (4) tender the common defense, (5) support general welfare, and (6) secure the benefits of freedom for us, the people, and our posterity. These failures are not in the system itself, the people’s representative’s unwilling to form a more perfect Union cause the failures. Corruption in the government supports or feeds these failures. Failure to reform the constitution, the fundamental idea of a perfect Union—Life, Justice, and the pursue of Happiness—will disappear in the mirage of general welfare—politicians want us to believe—.


The constitution envisioned and said that all men are created equal with certain inalienable rights, Life, Liberty and pursue of Happiness, but these rights are a mirage of the American dream. Condition of inequality is man’s evil ego’s attitudes—selfishness or egotism—, interfering. Equality in the United States is not real; some colonies kept citizens in slavery for a long time. People kept hidden hate, thoughts and feelings of class supremacy, frequently showing in public with murder. The government fails; equality is a mirage. Rousseau said, “it is precisely because the strength of things always tends to destroy equality, so that the force of legislation must always maintain it.” This is why we need to form a more perfect Union. Benjamin Franklin said in 1776, all governments become corrupted with time.

Constitutional Reforms

We have critical constitutional issues, which need reform for a more perfect union. The author synthesizes the reforms necessary, according to his analysis of the current situation. He, therefore, lists in this book and describes some of these critical issues, establishing:

  • total separation of powers: We must eliminate the president power to nominate candidates judges to federal courts and justices to the Supreme Court; this power uniquely belongs to the people.
  • true equality: Equality is an inalienable right endowed by the Creator to all men on earth; so, we must (1) provide true equal opportunity for all, (2) eliminate discrimination, racism, (3) allow equal access to education and health, and (4) foment sustainable general welfare.
  • a nation free of abuse of authority and power: The government is responsible to establish national tranquility; the constitution must set laws to categorize high crime violations. We find (1) president Trump and president Richard Nixon’s actions obstructing justice, hiding and concealing evidence and documents, ignoring the power of congress, (2) police brutality across the nation; recent cases show evidence of these, like the cases of Rodney King and George Floyd, and many others.
  • reliable Justice for all: The constitution considers that all men are created equal, having inalienable rights endowed by the Creator, Life, freedom, and the pursue of Happiness. The government fails to foment and sustain a society free of discrimination of minorities, fails to allow equal opportunities, and fails to service justice on equal terms for all.
  • permanent and effective impeachment procedures: The constitution does not have, but must include, clear procedures for impeachment and trial, and must offer a clear typification of high crimes and misdemeanors, defining standard procedural rules that political parties cannot change at will (for any reason), including clear process to detect and punish the high crimes and misdemeanors. 
  • total general welfare: The government fails to foment, establish, and maintain the constitutional general welfare, as long as (1) homelessness and social-economical gaps and differences exist, (2) as long as ninety nine percent of the population owns one percent of the national wealth and the one percent owns ninety nine percent of the wealth, (3) as long as college education is not free or affordable to the ninety nine percent of the population, (4) as long as the principle of “equal pay for equal work” is not enforced, minorities are underpaid, the minimum wage and salaries is insufficient to meet the national standard of living, and women earns seventy  percent of what men earns doing the same job. 
  • infallible truth that the popular sovereignty: The constitution must clearly state that  the will of the people and national sovereignty, is the maximum power and authority of any nation, and the governments only exists with the consent—the will—of the people. 
  • Remove or reassign the militia: The militia, born with the intent to legalize and defend the possession of arms during the independence movement and war with the British crown, concluded its purpose, and it is now obsolete. The current militia is not structured militarily, trained, and do not offer a reliable defensive element to the nation or to any state. The possession of heavy, automatic, warfare weapons by non-trained citizens is a danger to the public (national tranquility, national defense, and general welfare). The constitution must address this issue immediately, and or sanction to remove the militia, or hierarchically relocated under the national guard component of the national defense.
  • True participative democracy: As long as political parties create their own (biased) government program, people is excluded from participating in the governing process. We, the people, based on our popular sovereignty have the right and duty to determine what the government have to do, every presidential period, to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, foment the general welfare, and manage the benefits of liberty.

Until we, the people, implement these reforms, the corruption in the government corruption will continue growing and the Union may perish.

The author

Friday, January 22, 2021

The Forerunner


The Forerunner : A Vice Versa Series 

Kármán Line - HALO DROP

May 12, 2019. Eastern Africa. An extraterrestrial lifeform arrives on Earth to broker a deal with its most prominent figures.

Known as the Forerunner, the visitor quickly finds himself confronted to multi-dimensional threats determined to shift the planet’s geopolitical landscape.

Initially sent to bring solutions forth, our protagonist starts veering towards a more aggressive path, navigating between shadowy actors with questionable characters…

…Will he lose sight of his primary purpose, woven into his counterparts’ fate? And who is he, truly?


A subtle blend of the modern action thriller’s pacing and the Sci-Fi’s scientific component, “The Forerunner” is a dynamic piece challenging our perspectives on inclusion, colonialism, social justice, and binary views on Good and Evil.

Part of a three-story ensemble, the short novel aims to introduce an exciting new world to its beloved readers; one which will witness a clash of titans operating far beyond humans reach.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Book: Your Everyday Life Paper Companion


Book: Your Everyday Life Paper Companion

BOOK is not simply a book to read. BOOK doesn't tell you a story. BOOK is not a guide.

How many times during the day you ask yourself: "How can I solve this problem? Is there a tool that helps me to do this?"

Then BOOK is for you!

BOOK is a completely white book designed to be applied the way you want.
Do you want to swat a fly without damaging other books? Thanks to its dark colored cover BOOK is perfect for this. Do you want to keep your hair dry from rain? Thanks to the ergonomic shape, BOOK will fit your head better than a hat. Do you want to impress the prettiest girl in the class? Glue one of the additional available covers, to adapt BOOK to suit her tastes.

BOOK definitively change your concept of book thanks to its infinite applications.
What are you waiting for, get your BOOK with 1 click.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021




Matthew who finds a perfect job has to sacrifice his freedom. He owns everything but isn’t happy. He finds out from one of his help why his freedom was taken away. Matthew whose a decent man decides to go after the person. Allison is avenging the person who is responsible for destroying her life. Matthew and Allison cross paths because she was responsible for taking away his freedom. Matthew regrets deceiving Allison because he only heard one side of the story. He let greed and anger in his heart lead the way. Matthew avenge Allison's revenge and gives her back everything that she owns. Allison started falling for Matthew and forgave him, but Matthew never forgave himself. Although, he had love in his heart, but never had the courage to face Allison again.



Sunday, January 17, 2021

Cat City Books


In a world dominated by—oops, wrong book.

From the author who brought you—whoops…wrong book again…ah, here it is!

From an author you’ve probably never heard of comes the harrowing tale of a—blah, blah, blah! This is just another story about a young, emotionally unstable idiot with a gun, wankstas trying to be gangsta, and a wannabe rapper who can’t rap for Sh#@. Ohhh lawd, here we go!

When the Stuffedy gang monopolizes the drug trade, its worst enemy is itself. When society stops caring about its most vulnerable citizens, civilization dies.When Tuffy meets Pounce and his rag-tag group of misfits, it’s a revolution!

Saturday, January 16, 2021

The Misfit Society


The Misfit Society Vol.1: 

(Generation Babylon) 

Two best friends live their post college lives in modern day America as they gradually grow apart. Luke Beck the former political science major turned drug dealer, life has been in a tail spin since the summer of his college graduation. Luke attempts to rebuild his current existence, but sins of the past bring about fresh dilemmas that may be destructive towards his future, and the future of key figures in his life. Adrian Castro Jr., battles doubt, depression, and dependency. As he lives for the moment numbing himself with narcotics, he narcissistically navigates his way through life's day to days. He climbs the corporate ladder while neglecting his mental health. Both Adrian and Luke are guided by their mentor Jalon Knight aka Juice. Jalon happens to be one of the biggest criminals in the United States of America. Which presents him with dangerous enemies. These worlds all cosmically collide as you are introduced the universe of "The Misfit Society" where everyone is a sinner and no soul is safe!

Thursday, January 14, 2021



Mystify: Suspense, Horror, & Thrills

Mystify will take you to the unknown world of suspense, horror, and thrills. It will have you on the edge of your seat, contemplating your own existence while having you wanting more. Think about being on a mysterious roller coaster with no sense of where it's going to take you, but you can't get off because the unknown excites you. Your mind stimulates the mysteries right before you, this is one ride you will not forget. So don't be afraid of the mystifying things all around us, just jump on board this coaster and travel the mysterious mind of Kenthestoryteller!


Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Getting Out


Getting Out:

 My Story Plus The Exercises And Experience I Learned That Can Help You Get Out From The Wheelchair

GETTING OUT is designed for those who are wheelchair bound, physically unable to walk, to speed up the healing process. Written by Greg Siofer, a man who suffered a near catastrophic health setback but with the help of invaluable physiotherapists and physicians found a way forward.

Readers are calling GETTING OUT, "A Must Have Book".