Sunday, December 29, 2019

Dear Black Son

Dear Black Son is the first book of the WrittenForOne series. It captures the first thought of a black son all the way to the adult son who has lived his life. It includes the letters from parents of black sons. The parents explain who they are, the things they want to teach their son, messages they want to share and words of motivation they want to provide. It is my wish that by reading what is written for one but perceived and heartfelt by the world, inspiration, encouragement, and understanding will be gained.


“ I should have participated, I loved how the letters make you reflect on your relationship with your son. I really wish my son had a letter and picture in this book”

 “ This book is very well put together and heartfelt. You did an Excellent job!!! 

“I could not put the book down, like my family is fighting over this book and I don’t want to share it but let me tell you, this book helped me take a step back and realize how I interact with my son. I am not more mindful and want to speak more positivity into him. When is the next book coming out?” 

“ I enjoyed looking at the pictures of the past to now about our black sons. I also appreciate the thoughtfulness that fathers and mothers express to their sons. I enjoyed reading each letter because they were heartfelt. It made me want to write one for my son. As a parent we at times try to do our best in raising our sons but ultimately this will be an encouragement for others. Not only for parents but for black sons”

“ This book is definitely a conversation starter and it felt great to know that someone was thinking of us black sons to create a book for just us and have letters for different parents to express to us what they want us to know and at times have a hard time telling us”

“ I wish I would have wrote a letter to my son because maybe it would have mended our relationship, this book and reading the letters was a reminder for me to not give up the faith and to try to mend things with my son."

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