Saturday, May 11, 2024

A Burro Named Bedford

 Book Cover

A Burro Named Bedford

The book’s message is simple: pushing your comfort zone and doing hard things will have positive spillover effects in all areas of life. Written in lyrical verse with bright illustrations, A Burro Named Bedford tells of the journey of Chris and his donkey Bedford as they learn about and train for one of Colorado’s wackiest outdoor events: Burro Racing. Learn how the pair trains, develops helpful habits, and cultivates the positive mindsets that it takes to accomplish tough goals. The pair learns from long-distance hikers, professors, and historians on their way to run a 20-mile race, which initially seemed impossible. The story is made for children ages 4-8.

Click here to get A Burro Named Bedford on Amazon 

Getting Ready for The Race

Job Opportunities for Bedfored

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